PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

parabellum 0.2.18 Parabellum environment for parallel warfare simulation 2024-06-24 23:18:30
oaios 0.3.0 oaios django: Our Asynchronously Interchangeable Objects Server 2024-06-24 14:23:41
envenom 1.0.18 An elegant application configurator for the more civilized age 2024-06-19 00:23:19
cyclonedx-bom 4.5.0 CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) generator for Python projects and environments 2024-06-10 22:09:33
ae-base 0.3.38 ae namespace module portion base: basic constants, helper functions and context manager 2024-06-05 12:51:43
django-env-robots 0.0.5 Control robots.txt files from environment variables and templates. 2024-06-03 13:43:10
ehyd-tools 0.1.6 Reading and analyzing hydro(geo)logic time series from the Austrian government's "" platform. 2024-06-03 08:40:09
isvirtual 1.5.0 Tool to detect if the current directory is linked to a virtual environment, get the config of this env and more. Work with venv, virtualenv, pipenv, poetry, hatch, pdm and uv. 2024-05-31 12:25:05
hatch 1.11.1 Modern, extensible Python project management 2024-05-23 16:53:41
private-values 0.5.9 update values into class attrs from OsEnvironment or Ini/Json File 2024-05-22 11:40:46
pycamia 1.0.40 The main package and a background support of project PyCAMIA. 2024-05-22 09:35:46
gym-simplegrid 1.0.6 Simple Gridworld Environment for Gymnasium 2024-05-19 12:07:31
argparsenv 1.0.1 Extends python's argparser with environment variables 2024-05-17 19:49:46
aedev-git-repo-manager 0.3.81 aedev namespace package portion git_repo_manager: create and maintain local/remote git repositories of Python projects 2024-05-17 16:51:10
aedev-aedev 0.3.23 aedev namespace-root: aedev namespace root, providing setup, development and documentation tools/templates for Python projects. 2024-05-14 17:16:04
loadcredential 1.0 A simple package to read credentials generated by systemd's LoadCredential, with a fallback on environment variables. 2024-05-09 19:09:06
django-environment-config 0.1.3 Configure django settings for multiple environments. 2024-05-07 08:00:44
gym-xarm 0.1.0 A gym environment for xArm 2024-05-03 13:50:22
gym-aloha 0.1.0 A gym environment for ALOHA 2024-05-03 13:48:28
pkonfig 2.0.0 Pythonic agile application configuration helpers 2024-04-30 13:28:52
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